You Are In!

This challenge will officially begin
on February 22nd, 2021…
Step 1: Mark your calendars. Schedule at least 30 minutes each day from February 22nd to February 26th to watch the lessons and complete the day’s assignments. There will also be a “graduation” webinar to celebrate your completion of the challenge and offer advice on the next steps to writing your book—this will take place Monday, March 1 at 1pm Eastern Time.

Step 2: Get notifications. All action for this challenge takes place in our Facebook Group and through email. Responding to the provided prompts in the Facebook Group is how you win prizes too!!!

Click the button below to join our Facebook Group.

Step 3: Share with your friends. My vision is to support thousands of smart experts and entrepreneurs in getting unstuck and finally writing their books in 2021, and I’d really appreciate your help!
Would you be willing to help me spread the word about this FREE value-packed Idea to Outline Challenge?
Please share the following message:
I just joined a FREE 5-Day Idea to Outline Challenge and I am so excited to finally get started on my nonfiction book. Let’s do it together! Join me here: